Improving healthcare, but for whom?
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) should increase its focus on health equity, so their private investments in healthcare promote universal access. Read more
The webinar was hosted by the Pillars of Health coalition – of which Wemos is lead partner organization. It is an alliance of EU-based organizations that wants to contribute to an equitable geographic distribution of health workers across the European Union, to ensure that all European citizens have optimal access to health workers. We presented the key findings of our cross-country analysis report on health worker mobility data (2010-2022). This was followed by an engaging and detailed discussion with our two panelists about health worker mobility data and related challenges and gaps.
Presentation by:
Marlies Visser – Researcher at the Athena Institute, VU Amsterdam.
Resources presented or referenced during the webinar:
Pillars of Health consists of Center for Health Policies and Services (Romania), Verein demokratischer Ärzt*innen (vdää*) (Germany), VU Athena Institute (Netherlands) and Wemos (lead organization – Netherlands). Visit the Pillars of Health website for more information:
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