Statement in solidarity with Kenya against austerity measures

10/7/2024 - News

The End Austerity Campaign has issued this powerful statement in support of the people of Kenya. Kenyans have been protesting against the austerity measures proposed in the Finance Bill 2024, which will worsen the cost-of-living crisis and lead to increased poverty and health inequality. 

Wemos supports this statement and has been a founding member of the End Austerity Campaign. The ability of many governments to invest in health is severely hampered by austerity policies, which are driven by high debt burdens and insufficient public funds. Austerity would not be necessary if alternative policy options were adopted, such as taxing the wealthy, fighting illicit financial flows, restructuring and reducing debt. 

Read the statement below.

The End Austerity Campaign is outraged at the events in Kenya. The Campaign stands in solidarity with Kenyan people against austerity measures proposed by the government in the Finance Bill 2024.

  • We ask the Kenyan government to release all abducted protestors.
  • We further ask the government not to follow fiscal consolidation based on the IMF’s neoliberal policies that will only worsen poverty and inequalities.
  • We ask the government to End Austerity by offering better alternatives and transformative solutions that are people centric and are not based on creditors pressures.
  • We seek alternatives that place solidarity, equality, human rights and care at the heart of the economic model.
  • We, specifically urge the Kenyan government and the IMF that instead of punishing common people, they consider taxing the wealthy, corporations and the financial sector; fight illicit financial flows; restructure and reduce debt; reallocate public expenditures away from the military and regressive spending; and other equitable options available to governments.

In solidarity,

End Austerity Campaign

One step closer to the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. When it comes to taxation, Kenya and many other countries around the world would benefit from better global tax rules and cooperation. The recent landmark decision at the United Nations (UN) towards the binding instrument of a UN Framework Convention is promising and moving forward.

In June 2024, the zero draft Terms of Reference for this UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation was published. The Global Alliance for Tax Justice, which we as Wemos support actively, made comments and textual suggestions to improve the Terms of Reference. The letter with the inputs, signed by more than 200 civil society organizations, is available here.

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