Database with health-related projects of the International Financial Corporation

1/3/2023 - News

To facilitate access to global health funding information, Wemos presents the IFC health projects tracker, a comprehensive database containing all health-related projects of the International Financial Corporation (IFC). We believe it is a valuable resource for organizations and institutions seeking information on development finance in health.

As the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, the IFC is a major development actor. It is aimed at strengthening the private sector in low- and middle-income countries by financing investments, mobilizing funds in international markets, and acting as an advisor for governments and organisations. Health is one of the areas the IFC invests in. As our report “Improving healthcare, but for whom?” shows, these investments have grown between 2017 and 2021. We have raised concerns about the lack of attention to equitable access to health services and products.

IFC health projects tracker offers valuable insights

With the IFC health projects tracker we offer an overview of all health-related projects that the IFC either funds or in which it has an advisory role. While the IFC discloses all its investments on the IFC Project Information & Data Portal , it is not always easy to find health-related investments. For instance, many health projects are not classified under the “Medical and Diagnostic Services” sector. That is why Wemos collected the available information on health projects from the IFC portal to create a datasheet that includes key details for each project, such as name, budget, funding source, summary, region, and country.

By tracking the IFC’s health projects, policy-makers, civil society organisations, advocates and other stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the development strategies pursued by the IFC. This helps to better assess and monitor IFC’s investments and initiatives, inform their advocacy regarding IFC’s support to the private health sector in low- and middle-income countries, and flag areas where the IFC should revaluate its investments.


We created this database independently and it is not an official publication of the IFC. It is our aim to continuously update the database. We recommend users pay attention to the “Last updated” date.

Click here to access the IFC Health Projects Tracker

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