EU criteria for endocrine-disrupting chemicals will not protect health

28/9/2017 - News

The European Commission’s proposed criteria for identifying endocrine-disrupting chemicals should be amended, as they will not protect the health of European citizens. In a letter to European Members of Parliament, Wemos and two other organizations call upon the members to reject the current criteria. On September 28th, the Commission ENVI of the European Parliament voted to object to these criteria.

With the letter, Wemos and two other organizations – Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF International) – express their concerns about the European Commission’s criteria’s flaws. First, the proposed burden of proof for identifying these substances is unrealistically high, which will hamper the process of phasing them out and put our health in danger. In addition, the criteria exempt certain pesticides and biocides intended to disrupt the hormone system, which means that they will continue to be available on the market – and as such harm our health.

Scientific principles

Besides Wemos, HEAL and WECF International, other organizations too want robust criteria for identifying endocrine-disrupting chemicals. For example, the European consumer organization BEUC, the Endocrine Society, and the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) all expressed similar concerns about the public health effects of the current criteria.

Robust criteria are criteria that are based on scientific endocrinological principles. The current criteria do not meet these standards. Wemos applauds the ENVI Commission’s decision to vote against the criteria. However, the last step will take place on October 3rd, when all European Members of Parliament will bring out their final vote.

Read the letter (note: Dutch)

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