Here is our year overview 2022!

21/6/2023 - News

We are proud to present our year overview 2022. Last year, we continued our quest to achieve global health justice, advocating a world in which everyone can be as healthy as possible. No matter who you are or where you live. We also went through organizational developments, such as developing our new Strategy 2023-2027 and moving to a new office in the city centre of Amsterdam.

Health has no borders

Reaching its end in 2022, the Covid-19 pandemic left the world with the clear understanding that health has no borders. The health gains of the past decade, including regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights, and for marginalized populations in particular, were at risk of becoming lost. This created the momentum to address decades of chronic under-investment in health systems worldwide.

Critical reflection of our role

Last year, we therefore critically reflected on our role and the impact we wish to make to achieve structural change, sharpening our branding and emphasizing our position as a solution-oriented global health advocacy organization. Within our thematic areas, we collaborated with partners to strengthen our advocacy, providing solution-oriented and actionable policy recommendations.

Examples of our continued lobby

In 2022, we called on all national governments to focus the Pandemic Accord on strengthening public health systems, for increased resilience against pandemics. In addition, we developed lobby and advocacy tools with an ‘intersectional’ character to leave no one behind, which should help us and other civil society organizations understand how people’s overlapping identities, such as gender, religion, ability, and social status, can affect their access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Moreover, we stepped up our advocacy for structural investments and joint responsibility for health workforce strengthening, e.g. in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Read more in our year overview 2022.

Cover of the Wemos year overview 2022

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