Is it time for a refresh of the Global Financing Facility?

30/6/2020 - News

Wemos critically follows the developments and outcomes of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition. It is currently under the process of a ‘strategy refresh’, planned to be launched around September 2020. With our new fact sheet, we looked into the implications of a potential shift from the GFF’s current structure as a Multi-Donor Trust Fund towards a Financial Intermediary Fund.

The GFF supports low- and lower-middle-income countries to accelerate progress on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition, and strengthen financing and health systems for universal health coverage. It transforms how these countries prioritise and finance the health and nutrition of their populations.

The GFF has space for improving certain aspects of its complex governance structure, like the inclusivity of the Trust Fund Committee and its added value in domestic resource mobilisation and utilisation. The question remains whether a change of structure will benefit the improvement of these aspects.

With this factsheet, we aim to continue the discussion on the GFF’s global governance and spark an exploratory debate on what a different financing and governance structure would mean for the GFF’s objectives. Would it lead to different strategic priorities and related decisions on funding, a stronger voice for civil society and more country ownership?

Read our new factsheet ‘World Bank Trust Funds and the case of the Global Financing Facility: time for a refresh?

The factsheet has also been translated into French with thanks to PAI/CSO GFF Hub.

More about our work on the GFF:

Our interactive document on creating space for civil society in the GFF

Photo credit: WIC News


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