New international consortium for enabling access to medical innovations

31/1/2024 - News

Wemos, Health Action International (HAI), Innovarte and Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) are happy and proud to announce that they are forming a consortium for the next four years to improve global access to medical innovations. The project, called ‘Enabling Access: Medical Innovations for All’, focuses on creating an enabling environment to increase access to medicines, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. The project is funded by Unitaid.

Working to eliminate disparity

Lack of access to many medicines, for example for hepatitis C, HIV and tuberculosis, has been a major problem for low- and middle-income countries for decades. The Covid-19 pandemic has once again highlighted the unequal global access to life-saving medical products. This disparity leads to a dire amount of avoidable deaths, suffering and disruption of societies.

Advocacy towards high-income governments

The new consortium will raise awareness towards high-income governments and multilateral organizations, as their policies have a major impact on access to medicines for low- and middle-income countries. Through their combined advocacy efforts, the consortium partners aim to contribute to conditions that enable access to medicines, such as appropriate policy frameworks, sharing of intellectual property, knowledge and data, market transparency, adequate conditions to public funding of medicine research and development, and a supportive system of international agreements.

The consortium strives for systemic change, ultimately leading to optimal global access to all essential medicines and during any health crisis, including pandemics.


The project is led by Wemos and includes three other consortium partners: HAI, Innovarte and KEI. Three sub-contractors will also contribute: Afya na Haki, Medicines Law & Policy and Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM). This group of organizations has a long history of collaboration and a track record of successful expert guidance and advocacy for access to medicines.

More information about the four consortium partners:


Evidence-based advocacy at Dutch, European and global level for structural change to improve public health including equitable access to medical products.

Health Action International (HAI)

Track record in research and advocacy for access to medicines and health systems strengthening in Europe and globally.


Chile-based Latin American NGO with expertise in international negotiations regarding intellectual property instruments, free trade agreements, and public policy.

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI)

Expertise in problem solving and thought leadership on innovation and access to medicines, including via voluntary and compulsory licensing.

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