Wilkister Olando

Planning, monitoring, evaluation & learning coordinator

“The only way we can know where we are coming from and going is through guided measurements, documentation of all processes and reviews at various stages. I am happy to use my expertise in this area at Wemos.”

Wilkister is Planning, monitoring & evaluation coordinator at Wemos.

She is a public health specialist with over 11 years of experience in programme design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and research in health and livelihoods programs.
She has designed, directed and managed numerous monitoring and evaluation programmes under PEPFAR (CDC, USAID and HRSA) and Embassy of Netherlands-funded programmes.

She previously worked as a monitoring and evaluation officer, coordinator and manager at various organizations, among others Care International in Kenya, American International Health Alliance and the Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Alliance.

Wilkister holds a master’s degree in Public Health and a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from Maseno University.

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