Our analyses of the Global Financing Facility in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda

12/9/2020 - News

Wemos’ four new papers are part of a series about the Global Financing Facility (GFF) at national level and show the GFF process in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda.

The GFF is a relatively new funding mechanism gaining increasingly more importance in health financing in low- and lower-middle-income countries, specifically aimed at women, children, and adolescents health. Wemos’ factsheet on the GFF explains its setup and general functioning. As every beneficiary country has its own GFF Investment Case and priorities, GFF processes can differ among countries.


With these new papers, Wemos reacts to the demand of a broad range of stakeholders including donors, civil society, and national governments elucidating how the GFF works in specific countries.


Wemos has made analyses of the GFF in the following countries:
1. Kenya
2. Malawi
3. Tanzania
4. Uganda


In addition, we’ve also published an interactive story on our efforts to create space for civil society engagement in the GFF – have a look.


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