Policy brief on making the Global Financing Facility more effective and equitable in Ethiopia

18/12/2023 - News

The Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA) and Wemos published a policy brief with recommendations on how to make the Global Financing Facility (GFF)’s investment in Ethiopia more effective towards a strong health system and health equity. The policy brief ‘Making the Global Financing Facility more effective and equitable in Ethiopia’, is the outcome of a country-case study assessing the impacts of the GFF in Ethiopia. By spotlighting these recommendations, the brief also aims to provide insights for other contexts where the GFF invests in healthcare systems.

About the Global Financing Facility

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) was established in 2015 to support the scaling up of access to affordable, quality care for women, children and adolescents. It is one of several external health financing sources in Ethiopia.

Strengthening Ethiopia’s healthcare system and healthcare workforce

Ethiopia has achieved significant progress in strengthening its healthcare system and bolstering its healthcare workforce. The government successfully mobilized both domestic and external resources, and also established effective coordination mechanisms. However, recent trends indicate a decline in external resources posing a risk to the progress made, as well as emphasizing the need to mobilize more domestic resources and improve efficiency in the use of funds.

The GFF has collaborated with the national government of Ethiopia to address these challenges by mobilizing and channeling additional international and domestic resources. This has contributed to strengthening the Ethiopian national health system. Yet, there remain opportunities for the GFF’s investment in Ethiopia to become further effective, creating a strong health system and health equity, highlighted in the recommendations of the policy brief.

Recommendations to the GFF

The findings of the assessment led to six recommendations to the GFF:

  • Harness civil society engagement
  • Carefully assess the support of private sector engagement
  • Leverage domestic resource mobilization
  • Invest in health system strengthening and primary healthcare
  • Invest in monitoring and evaluation systems
  • Disclose investments to ensure accountability and transparency

2024 webinar discussion

Together with CORHA, we will host a launch event to discuss these recommendations and their implications for healthcare and health equity in more detail. Read more about the webinar here.

Download the policy brief

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