This is how the EU & Dutch government can achieve equal access to medicines

8/5/2019 - News

Why are (some) medicines so expensive? How are medicines developed in the Netherlands, and how does this system contribute to unequal access to medicines? In our new infographic we explain how the system works and why we think the EU and Dutch government can do more to ensure equal access to medicines for society.

In recent years, the prices of some (new) medicines have soared, jeopardizing access to these medicines for those who need them. These high prices are (in part) due to issues like the lack of transparency on Research & Development costs and market exclusivity of pharmaceutical companies. In addition, there is no transparency on prices of medicines between (EU) countries. As a result, there is either no, or unequal access to medicines due to these high prices. Or, if there is access after all, via medical insurance, this comes at a high cost for society.

In the infographic Wemos also shows what the EU and the Netherlands can do to ensure equal access to medicines for their citizens. Global health advocate Ella Weggen: ‘They could adopt laws to ensure transparency on R&D costs and prices and ensure healthy competition and prevent anti-competitive behavior. Also they should attach conditions to licenses on medicines that are developed with public money. Finally, better and transparent cooperation between countries in negotiations on medicine prices is required.’


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