Webinar recording: Together for stronger health systems

9/10/2023 - News

The recording of our recent webinar, “Together for stronger health systems,” is now available on YouTube. During this insightful webinar, co-hosted by Cordaid , Wemos and N’Weti , we launched the policy brief “Together for stronger health systems” and delved into the effectiveness of the Global Fund, the Global Financing Facility (GFF), and Gavi , the Vaccine Alliance (the 3Gs) in working together to strengthen global health.

Kick off with core recommendations from the policy brief

The webinar started with  Myria Koutsoumpa , global health advocate at Wemos, and Rosana Lescrauwaet, advocacy officer at Cordaid, representing Dr. Stellah Wairimu Bosire. They shared the findings and recommendations of the policy brief, derived from a comparative study conducted in Mozambique, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The recommendations are structured in six thematic areas: 1) health financing, 2) human resources for health, 3) health data and information systems, 4) supply chain management, 5) community engagement and inclusion, and 6) gender equity. Additionally, there are general recommendations aimed at enhancing coordination and alignment.

Contributions from the WHO and Future of Global Health Initiatives (FGHI)

Following the main presentation, Susan Sparkes, health financing technical officer at the WHO, introduced the WHO’s cross-programmatic efficiency analysis — a tool designed to identify possible inefficiencies and improve health programs and the overall health system.

Linda Muller, head of secretariat for the Future of Global Health Initiatives (FGHI) process, then provided insights and findings from a recent report published by the FGHI research consortium, which strongly aligns with the outcomes of the policy brief.

To access the recording, click on the button below.

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