Wemos at the European Congres on Global Health in Utrecht (19-23 November)

15/11/2023 - Event

From 19-23 November, the European Congress on Global Health – also known as ECTMIH – will take place in Utrecht. This year’s theme is ‘Shaping the future of equitable and sustainable planetary health’. We very much look forward to facilitating six exiting sessions – including a global health game – covering crucial global health topics, from financial justice to sexual and reproductive rights, and fair recruitment practices for international workers.

The logo for the ECTMIH congres 2023 in Utrecht

The sessions we are (co) organizing are:

Sunday 19 November – the ECTMIH Academy

14:00-15:30 – Unlocking change: mastering intersectional policy analysis

Ahead of the formal start of the congress, we will be present at the ECTMIH Academy. During this session with our partners from the Make Way consortium, Liliane Foundation and VSO Nederland, we will teach participants how to apply an intersectional policy analysis to their work.

Tuesday 21 November

13:30-15:00 – Ethical partnerships for health worker migration: perspectives, interest, criteria

We will explore the perspectives and interests of different stakeholders involved in the international recruitment of health workers for Dutch long-term care, together with, among others, the Dutch Advisory Council on Migration, OTTO Health Care, and Filipino Nurses United.

17:15-18:45 – Are you applying intersectional lens to your work in SRHR?

Together with Liliane Foundation and VSO Nederland, we will facilitate a session about applying an intersectional lens to work around sexual and reproductive health and rights. With such a lens you can uncover how people’s overlapping vulnerabilities, and the discrimination they face, can hinder their access to information, services and rights.

Wednesday 22 November

12:15-13:15 – Game: Challenge your knowledge, perceptions and beliefs

Let’s roll the dice! During the lunch break, you can challenge your knowledge, perceptions and beliefs, by playing our educational and fun Global Health Game.

Thursday 23 November

8:30-10:00 – The added value of a national global health strategy for addressing the impact of climate change on health

We still start the day with an interactive session on the added value of a national Global Health Strategy – like the Dutch one – for addressing the impact of climate change on health. We organize this together with the Dutch Global Health Alliance, the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10:30-12:00 – Financial justice for health equity

In this session with Society for International Development and PSI – Public Services International, we will dive into the current issues around financing for health. From outdated financing models to the privatization of health services, what is needed to achieve financial justice for health equity?

We hope to meet you in (one of) these sessions!

About the congress

ECTMIH is a planetary health congress that creatively combines scientific insights, storytelling, art and rituals to unravel connections between the climate crisis, global environmental challenges, and presents avenues to achieve both social and health justice.

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