WHO Euro: for sustainable health workforce

14/9/2016 - News

During the 66th meeting of the European member states of the World Health Organization in Copenhagen this week, Linda Mans of Wemos presented a statement about sustainable health workforce.

The statement, an initiative of Wemos, was published under the flag of Medicus Mundi International and with support of nine other civil society organizations. Linda Mans emphasizes the importance of strong health systems and the contribution of member states and their national governments:

‘People-centred health systems and its competent health workforce also demand from the member states – and their national authorities – the promotion of better policy coherence between health, education, migration, development, employment, and economic policies, and thus the need to plan, educate, recruit and retain adequate numbers of health professionals inside and outside Europe.’

2016-09-14 09_56_11-Linda Mans (@lindamans) _ Twitter

Read the statement

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